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Building Inspectors

Our mission is to constantly strive to improve the department and make the changes necessary to provide great customer service to the public. The building department is mandated to ensure the safety and welfare of the general public by the enforcement of all Massachusetts State Building codes and local ordinances.

  • Building Permit applications and other business-related forms will only be accepted through our online system; no walk-ins allowed.
    All inspections are scheduled by email or calling the individual inspector. All requests are typically responded to that same day or the next business day

  • OpenGov Software Online Permitting
  • Effective January 1, 2024, PMLP will require a Utility Authorization Number (UAN) for all electrical work done in residential, commercial, or industrial settings that involves interaction with PMLP. A UAN will be required, for example, for new services, temporary services, modifications to existing services, EV chargers, etc.
    The UAN must be acquired by the electrician prior to filing for an electrical permit and performing work and will be referenced by PMLP and the Electrical Inspector. The UAN does not replace the need for a permit.
    An application for a UAN is available through the PMLP website, and it requests information, including the electrician’s name, license number, and a general description of the work.

  • Department Home

  • Building Commissioner Thomas St. Pierre
    978-538-5790 Email
  • Building Inspector Mark Menard
    978-538-5787 Email
  • Building Inspector Dan Terenzoni
    978-538-5736 Email
  • Electrical Inspector Shawn Mahoney
    978-538-5789 Email
  • Gas & Plumbing Inspector Paul Foukas
    978-538-5791 Email
  • Weights & Measures Inspector James Collins
    978-538-5788 Email
  • Zoning Board of Appeals Grace Augulewicz
    978-538-5792 Email
  • Secretary Kelly Rydzewski
    978-538-5786 Email

  • Monday: 8:30-10am & 3-4pm
  • Tuesday: 8:30-10am & 3-4pm
  • Wednesday: 8:30-10am & 3-4pm
  • Thursday: 8:30-10am & 5:30-7pm
  • Friday: 8:30-10am & 12-12:30pm
  • Zoning Board of Appeals

  • Under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Zoning Ordinances or by-laws shall provide for a zoning board of appeals (ZBA). The ZBA provides for the ability to apply for a variance or other relief from the Zoning Ordinance. An applicant may file for a variance or an appeal from an administrative decision.
  • The ZBA is also the reviewing and permit granting authority for comprehensive permits filed under the Anti-Snob Zoning Act (Chapter 774 of the Acts of 1969), Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40B, sections 20-23. The purpose of that act is to facilitate the development of affordable housing in Massachusetts.
  • Special Permits
  • FAQ'S

Anyone seeking to construct, alter, or demolish a structure or install a sign must first obtain a building permit from a building inspector at the Inspectional Services Department. The building permit must be obtained before the start of any work and must be prominently posted at the job site.

Building permits are issued to construction supervisors licensed by the State of Massachusetts. The State license is only valid for work involving structures of less than 35,000 cu. Ft. As an exception to this requirement, building permits are also issued to homeowners doing work on one or two unit dwellings where they reside or intend to reside. It is noted that when homeowners are issued building permits, they may be liable for contractors working on their property and they are not eligible for protection under the provisions of the Homeowners Improvement Contractor Law. For these reasons, Building Department encourages homeowners to have the building permit taken out by a properly licensed contractor.

These permits are issued to Massachusetts licensed plumbers, gasfitters, or electricians. Permits are issued in accordance with Massachusetts General Law (MGLs); MGL 143-3L in the case of wiring permits and MGL 142-13 in the case of plumbing and gas permits.

Work must be started within six (6) months of the date the permit is issued. Once started, the work must be progressed continuously to completion. The City Noise Ordinance does not permit construction activities prior to 7:00 a.m. (9:00 a.m. on Saturdays and holidays) and after 6:00 p.m. Sunday work is not permitted.

Yes. The permit shell be deemed to have been abandoned six months after the date of filing, unless such application has been diligently prosecuted or a permit shall have been issued; except that the building official shall grant one or more extensions of time for additional periods not exceeding 90 days each if there is reasonable cause and upon written request by the owner.

For single or two family houses, a deck located more than 30 inches above grade must have a guardrail of at least 36 inches in height. Handrails must be located at a height of from 34 inches (min) to 38 inches (max). If the guardrail also serves as the handrail for open sided steps, the minimum height is 34 inches. Guardrails for uses other than 1 or 2 family structures must be a minimum if 42 inches.

The maximum of 2 layers can be installed on a roof (Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR sections 3609.10.3).