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City Enacts Phase III Mandatory Water Ban Effective Immediately

HEALTH Department

The Peabody Health Department promotes the health and well-being of residents of (and visitors to) Peabody through the provision of school health services, public immunization clinics, communicable disease follow-up, health education, and the permitting and inspection of facilities such as food establishments, swimming pools, tanning salons, and housing.

  • Department Home

  • Any residents who want to exclude their property from public area-wide application of pesticides, such as mosquito spraying, must submit the required form to the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources. Exclusions expire on Dec. 31 of each year and must be renewed each year to remain valid. For more information, call the Peabody Health Department at 978-538-5926.
  • Spraying Exclusion Form
  • If you would like a property pesticide applicaiton or street spraying, and want to make a formal request, call our office at 978-352-2811. Please include your name, town, address, phone number, and other additional comments.
  • Spraying Request Information
  • Staff & Board of Health

  • Director Sharon Cameron
    978-538-5920 Email
  • Sanitary Inspector John Yale
    978-538-5924 Email
  • Code Enforcement Inspector Ramphis Medina
    978-538-5923 Email
  • School Nurse Leader Brenda Wolff
    978-538-5930 Email
  • Public Health Nurse Chassea Robinson
    978-538-5931 Email
  • Code Enforcement Inspector Randy Suckney
    978-538-5927 Email
  • Administrative Assistant Kimberly Reis
    978-538-5926 Email

  • Monday - Friday: 8:30AM - 10:00AM
  • Wednesday: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Thursday: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

  • CHAIRMAN Thomas J. Durkin III
  • MEMBER Dr. Julia Fleet
  • MEMBER Anthony Carli
  • Permits & Regulations

The Peabody Health Department is transitioning to online permitting. At this time, online permits are available for Food & Milk Establishments, Frozen Dessert Manufacturing, and Tobacco Product Sales. No paper applications will be accepted for these permits. For any other permit, please submit the paper application available through the appropriate link. Thank you for your cooperation as we move to a more efficient system!

  • Nursing Information

  • Public health nurses integrate community involvement and know ledge about the entire population with personal, clin ical understandings of the health and illness experiences of individuals and families within the populati on (American Public Health Association, 2009) Public health nurses are direct ly engaged in the inter-discipli nary activities of the core public health functions of assessment, a ssurance and policy development. In any setting, the role of public health nurses focu ses on the prevention of illness, injury or disability, the promotion of health, and main tenance of the health of populations. They translate and articulate the health and illness experiences of diverse, often vulnerable individuals and families in the population to health planners and policy makers, and assist members of the community to voic e their problems and aspirations (American Public Health Association, 2009) The Public Health Nurse's mission is to im prove, preserve and protect the health of the citizens of the City of Peabody. The Publ ic Health Nurse will advocate for a safe environment, for reduction of known health risks, and for application of known preventive health measures.

  • The Peabody Department of Health and Human Services employs 11 school nurses and a school nurse leader, who provide full-time nursing coverage in each of the City's 10 schools. In addition to providing medical assessments and treatment to staff and students, the school nurses work closely with school personnel to promote safety and wellness in the school community.