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Green Community

  • As of April 26th, 2024, Peabody has met all criteria under the 2008 Green Communities Act to receive a Green Community designation and access to hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund projects that improve the City’s energy efficiency and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. The Green Communities Division of the Department of Energy Resources gives designated communities financial and technical support for clean energy initiatives; piloting renewable energy technology, investing in green infrastructure, and making a fuel-efficient municipal vehicle fleet among many other potential projects and studies.

    Our City and wider community has worked tirelessly to be environmental and clean energy leaders by pledging to reduce energy consumption by 20% in the next five years and to be Net Zero by 2050. A Green Community designation can fund and support our energy goals and help us go beyond that to become a leader in a wider green movement across the Commonwealth.

    To learn more about the work that has been done and is being done see the links below to stay up to date.